Quick and easy watermelon salad recipe, made in one pot with simple ingredients. Ready in 15 minutes. Loaded with watermelon, cucumbers, onion, mint and feta! The best watermelon salad I ever had was at...
Quick and easy one pot mac and cheese recipe, made with simple ingredients on stovetop. It’s a delicious 30 minute weeknight meal and super cheesy and creamy! My son loves this dish! I think...
Quick and easy cherry tomato salad recipe that’s fresh, healthy, made in one bowl in 10 minutes. It’s loaded with parsley, lemon juice and cherry tomatoes. We have been growing vegetables this Summer and...
Quick and easy chili lime chicken recipe, made in one pot/pan with simple ingredients on stovetop. This sweet & spicy 30 minute weeknight meal can also be grilled or baked. This chicken recipe has...
Quick and easy vegetable soup recipe made in one pot in less than 1 hour on stovetop, using simple ingredients. It’s healthy, packed with vegetables and Italian herbs and spices. My mom has the...
Quick and easy cashew chicken recipe, made in one pot and 30 minutes on stovetop with simple ingredients. This simple meal is better than Chinese takeout. In fact, it is one of my favorite...
Easy slow cooker Mississippi roast recipe made with 5 simple ingredients. It’s tender, flavorful and just melts in your mouth. This melt in your mouth Mississippi roast is always in my meal plan rotations...
Quick and easy Italian tortellini salad recipe made in one pot or bowl in just 15 minutes with simple ingredients like Italian dressing, tomatoes, onions, basil. Unlike many other salads, this one is very...
Recipe developer. Photographer. Mommy & Foodie. Welcome to OnePot Recipes, a place where I share my love for cooking using One Pot, Instant Pot and Stock Pot!