Oven Roasted Broccoli (One Pan)
Quick and easy oven roasted broccoli recipe with garlic and parmesan cheese. This simple 30 minute side dish is crispy and full of flavor. This crispy garlic parmesan roasted broccoli takes boring old broccoli...
Quick and easy oven roasted broccoli recipe with garlic and parmesan cheese. This simple 30 minute side dish is crispy and full of flavor. This crispy garlic parmesan roasted broccoli takes boring old broccoli...
Quick and easy cucumber salad recipe, made with simple ingredients in one pot/ bowl in 10 minutes. It’s spicy, tangy because of vinegar and red chili flakes. This simple salad is a wonderful way...
Quick and easy one pot chicken and rice recipe, made with simple ingredients on stovetop. It’s is a healthy 30 minute meal, packed with Cajun seasoning, peppers, corn. Among the many chicken and rice...
Quick and easy one pot Italian sausage pasta recipe, made with simple ingredients on stovetop. This 30 minute weeknight meal is rich, creamy and packed with cheese. Next time you need a quick dinner,...
Quick and easy strawberry spinach salad recipe with poppy seed dressing, made in 10 minutes in one pot. This classic healthy salad has many variations. This is one of the the best Summer salads...
Quick and easy tomato basil soup recipe, made with simple ingredients in one pot on stovetop. This 30 minute weeknight meal is rich, creamy, packed with herbs, spices. This is probably the best recipe...
Quick and easy honey sriracha sesame tofu recipe, made with simple ingredients. It’s a 30 minute, stovetop, vegetarian, sweet and salty one pot dinner idea. Growing up, I wasn’t too fond of tofu until...
Quick and easy Waldorf salad recipe with grapes, apples, celery, walnuts, mayonnaise. A traditional classic salad from 1800’s and made in one bowl. This creamy and fruity salad might truly be one of the...